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We are the Michigan Muslims.

Welcome to the Muslim Students' Association at the University of Michigan! Established in 1963, U-M MSA is one of the oldest MSA chapters in the country and has developed into one of the most active and vibrant student organizations on campus. Since then, the MSA has undergone tremendous growth and progress as its members continuously strive to be the Leaders and Best in strengthening faith, knowledge and community. We invite you to join us in building onto the thrilling and unique Michigan Muslim experience, as well as in promoting the spirit of diversity and dialogue of the Michigan and Ann Arbor community.

We strive to create a single inclusive community, embracing people from all walks of life. Our mission is to unite our community through the ideals of service to each other and to our local community while upholding the values of Islam and providing religious enrichment for our members.

© 2023 Muslim Students' Association of UofM